Författare från hela världen kräver rättvisa för mördade bloggare i Bangladesh
Mer än 150 författare från hela världen, inklusive Margaret Atwood, Jennifer Clement, Peter Englund, Karl Ove Knausgård, Salman Rushdie och Per Wästberg, fördömer i ett öppet brev de brutala morden på de tre sekulära bloggarna Ananta Bijoy Das (eller Dash), Washiqur Rahman Babu och Avijit Roy.
Dear Prime Minister Hasina Wajed
We, the undersigned writers, come together to condemn the horrific deaths of our colleagues Ananta Bijoy Das (or Dash), Washiqur Rahman Babu and Avijit Roy, three secular bloggers who have been brutally murdered on the streets of Bangladesh in the last three months. We urge you and your government to do all in your power to ensure that the tragic events of the last three months are not repeated, and to bring the perpetrators to justice.
We were shocked and horrified by this week/last week’s murder of 32-year old blogger and editor Ananta Bijoy Das, who was hacked to death on his way to work by a masked gang wielding machetes in the city of Sylhet on 12 May. Prior to his death, Ananta Bijoy Das had reportedly received a number of death threats from Islamist militants, and his name had appeared in two assassination lists published in the Bangladeshi media, alongside those of other secular bloggers described as anti-Islamic and blasphemous.
Less than two months earlier, on 26 February, fellow blogger and close friend of Ananta Bijoy Das, Avijit Roy was similarly brutally killed. Roy and his wife Rafida Ahmed Bonya, were viciously attacked by unknown assailants close to the Dhaka University campus. Roy died soon afterwards whilst Rafida Ahmed Bonya, was severely injured. A militant Islamist group has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack.
A month later, on 29 March, blogger Washiqur Rahman Babu was murdered just 500 yards from his home in Begunbari, Dhaka. Police have claimed that the attackers targeted the 27-year old blogger because they believed he had defamed Islam through his writings on websites, forums and social media. Two students from a madrassa (an Islamic school) have since been arrested in connection with Rahman’s killing.
At least three other writers have been attacked or murdered in Bangladesh since 2013 and, although there have been several arrests, no-one has been held to account for any of these attacks. We are gravely concerned by this escalating pattern of violence against writers and journalists who are peacefully expressing their views. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right under Bangladesh’s constitution as well as one of the rights under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We call on the Bangladeshi authorities to swiftly and impartially investigate Ananta Bijoy Das’s death as well as the murders of Avijit Roy and Washiqur Rahman Babu, and ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice in accordance with international fair trial standards. We also demand that the authorities do all in their power to provide protection and support to bloggers and other writers at risk in Bangladesh, in accordance with Bangladesh’s obligations under national and international law.
Länk till brevet i sin helhet kan läsa här. Läs även Ananta Bijoy Das sista blogginlägg här.